
Time For A Do-Over



Lately I have been feeling like I need to kick being healthy up a notch. Last February I severed and shattered my ring finger on my right hand. That was probably THE most painful thing that has ever happened to me. Made birthing a 9lb baby with no drugs seem like a piece of cake. After the surgery to repair said finger it took months of recuperation. I was on pain killers for months and pretty much stopped all my normal activities. Could not work, exercise, clean the house….I pretty much watched Netflix as a full time gig. Here I am 9 month later and my finger still is not healed. I actually have 2 more procedures lined up over the next several months. I had to much damage to the severed finger to grow a nail so they now want to do a skin graft. FUN STUFF!

Anyway, needless to say I sat around eating crap and not exercising for the last 9 months. Time to get back on track. Luckily, as I have had some schooling in this field so let’s take that knowledge and see what we can do. Feel free to join me or just cheer me on!

Young Living Oils

My first experience with Young Living Oils was back in November 2010. I had recently moved to North Carolina. I had started experiencing pain in my lower right side. I was not sure if the pain was coming from my back, and organ, kidney stones? It was a radiating pain. Over time it progressed to where I was having trouble sitting and bending. My daughter had to help me pull my pants up and tie my shoes. I went from feeling like a healthy individual to someone who was completely limited.

I started visiting doctors. I saw the gynecologist who did a pelvis exam, an ultrasound, and an MRI. I went to the chiropractor who started treating me twice a week. I saw my primary who had no clue. Finally, I was sent to a neurologist. After more testing came a diagnosis. I still remember sitting there with my husband when he read the results. I had 3 herniated disc, osteoarthritis, and early on-set degenerative disc disease. I looked at my husband. I was shocked. I was in my early thirties….He must be wrong!

We started talking about treatment. He told me the condition would only get worse from this point out. He wanted to start giving me Bo-tox injections in my back. He said it was something new they were doing with the pain. Bo-tox? Umm…no. That was not happening. I started talking to people. I wanted to look for an alternative. Something that did not include filling my back with poison.

Around the same time I had met a couple at a street fair who ran a weight loss clinic and they were also Young Living Distributors. We spoke about Young Living Oils and the their so called health benefits. She told me about something called the Raindrop Technique that was supposed to have great results in the area of pain relief, detoxing, de-stressing,etc..

yl oils

I began my research. I spoke more with the couple. I researched online and spoke with people on Facebook and ultimately decided what I wanted to try in an attempt to help myself before the doctor filled me with poison.

  •  I began with a Master Cleanse Diet (for more on that click here: http://themastercleanse.org/
  • I ordered a book that was referred to me through my friend that would teach me a little about the oils and their uses so I would know where to start. Seen below:


I ordered the book Reference Guide for Essential Oils through Abundanthealth4u.com. Great site but I will save all that info for another review.

I ordered the Raindrop Technique Kit through my friend the distributor and also looked up Raindrop Technique Practitioners in my area. So again…Master Cleanse, personal use of oils, and 1 Raindrop Technique session. Of course I went into this hopeful BUT still very much skeptical.

About 2 weeks into this process I started to feel relief! I went from not being able to pull up my own pants to signing up for Yoga Teacher training in the matter of a month! Needless to say I am a fan and a firm believer of these oils. Again this is all my personal experience and my opinion but I would most certainly recommend Young Living Products!

I enjoyed them so much I actually took further training to learn more about essential oils. Through the website http://www.raindroptraining.com/ I enrolled to become a Certified Raindrop Practitioner Licensed Spiritual Healer. It was a great experience and I learned a lot!

That all being said….here are some of my favorite Young Living products:

  • Lavendar Single Oil
  • Clary Sage Single Oil
  • Frankincense Single Oil
  • Rose Single Oil
  • Helichrysum Single Oil
  • Abundance Oil Blend
  • AromaSiez Oil Blend ( I believe this really helped my back)
  • Joy Oil Blend
  • PanAway Oil Blend ( Again great for pain)
  • Peace & Calming Oil Blend ( Loved for my children)
  • Purification Oil Blend ( A few drops in my bath water and I am so HAPPY!)
  • The Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection is the first thing I ordered and a great place to start!

FYI- I am not a Young Living Distributor and I have not been compensated for this review. This is my personal experience and opinion of Young Living Products.


Book Review: The Raw Food Detox Diet

The Raw Food Detox Diet The Five-Step Plan For Vibrant Health and Maximum Weight Loss by Natalia Rose

Raw Food Diet.jpg

My husband and I purchased this book back in 2010. We tried the plan together and both really liked the results. This is the only diet plan that I think my husband actually enjoyed and had amazing results with. With that said I will start this plan again this coming Monday, May the 4th. I invite you to join me on this journey as I will regularly blog my experience with this detox. Please feel free to comment and ask questions. It has been a while since I read the book which is why I will start Monday. I will use the next few days to re-read this book.

This book explains detoxification and how it works and then provides a step by step guide for the detox. In addition, the book discusses how to make the detox work for your life. Dining out, parties and events, traveling, etc.. Wish me luck!